viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

New concept of companies [Communities]

Today, there are a hard sound about Social Entrepreneurship, in this references, thinking rare, maybe the concept of traditional companies will be different, I mean, for me the traditional concept of companies is a place where workers go, and keep or play a work schedule, and have to do or have to avoid some things called political companies, and there are cases that, it is not bad, I mean, I don't want to imply that  this is bad, is only a concept and a form to operate for many companies.

I just want to comment that, today, there are other way to make company. And this concept, refer to community organizations to earn cash income, doing activities for a specific project.

Some days ago, I heard a CEO of interesting company with a number of members is one. He use the potential of the flexibility from freelancers that He knows and with that coordinate projects to her customers. That is, when He needs to do a project, his projects are about marketing, design or corporative images, He look or notify to community of collaborators to work in that project, who agree to participate, only they work in the project accepting some payment method and amount.

They mentions that the people is more happy, than when he operated the company in the traditional method, they don't need to follow extensive political of the company just make their work and maybe some rules.

For me is very interesting, maybe work or no.

What you think ?


This is a blog just to put ideas about this kind of things that are interesting to me to talk about technology, my first goal is practice my English so I hope you like it.

Thanks to read or comment !